We Support Charities

Our Goal as a Real Estate brokerage firm is to donate 51% of our broker’s commission to the charity of choice of our clients. Our clients will be able to count on the possibility of selecting your non-profit organization as the recipient of this generous donation.

My name is Marco Homrighausen and I am the CEO and founder of Realty 51. I named this program “The ART of Realty 51, the Art of Sharing” because I strongly believe in giving back. We donate to amazing nonprofit organizations like yours because we know you make a huge difference in this world.

If you are interested in discussing more in detail our donation efforts, I would like to set up a personal meeting to gather more information and answer any questions you may have.

I look forward to hearing back from you.


Marco Homrighausen
CEO of Realty 51

Non Profit recommended by Realty 51:

-South Florida Wildlife Center


-Broward Partnership
